In this video, the late Gianni Tarlochan Singh, former Jathedar of Takht Kesgarh Sahib, Anandpur, India and Baba Nihal Singh, Harian Belan, share their thoughts on Hola Mahalla.
Baba Nihal Singh shared that the festival held such importance in the Sikh calendar that:
"if a Nihang Singh does not attend Hola Mahalla, he is presumed to have merged with God (died). Meaning that every Sikh, regardless of where they lived, tried their utmost to attend Hola Mahalla".
Baba Nihal Singh Jathedar (High Priest) of Tarna Dal, Harianvela.
The interview took place during Hola Mahalla, and is an extract from a longer documentary called 'Hola Mahalla: The Forgotten Festival'.
The festival Hola Mahalla is celebrated by the Sikh community annually during the lunar month of Chett, which falls in March or April, depending on the lunar calendar. It's a tradition started by the Tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh, around 1700 AD.

More videos about the festival can be seen on this YouTube Playlist.
View the online exhibition about Hola Mahalla here.
Other videos about the Sikh Punjabi.